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Big NJ environmental news stories of 2015
Top NJ environmental stories
NJ judge approves controversial Christie, Exxon settlement
Legislators bemoan 20-year delay in adopting Water-Supply Master Plan
Six Flags to cut down 18,000 trees to build NJ's largest solar farm
Senate overrides DEP rule seen as hurting water quality, increasing flooding
Christie signs Liberty State Park bill; enviros concerned
4 former NJ governors oppose Christie's Pinelands pick
The clash over who gets open-space funding
NJ officials try to stop Pilgrim pipeline
Offshore NJ wind farm denied again; company to change details of plan
Critics of new wastewater rule accuse DEP of giving in to developers
Top national and global stories
196 countries approve historic climate agreement
Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline, leaving it in limbo
2015 to be hottest year on record - until next year
NJ leads, US follows with ban of microbeads in personal care products
Congress extends solar and wind tax credits
Glyphosate linked to cancer
Beekeepers see 42% of US honeybee colonies die off in a single year
Pope Francis, in sweeping encyclical, calls for swift action on climate change
Obama unveils Clean Power Plan
U.S. Geological Survey: Fracking waste is the primary cause of the dramatic rise in earthquakes
NJ judge approves controversial Christie, Exxon settlement
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196 countries approve historic climate agreement
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